Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Rough Day...

Honestly, today was a bit of a rough day for Jacoby.  She was constantly plagued by some false senses of burning on her back.  This is fairly common for those that have spinal cord injuries, but was especially bad today...  The feelings started to subside just before bedtime, but please pray that these feelings totally subside and that she will continue to have mental strength.


  1. Thanks for letting us know what to pray for...we give thanks for the good days and will continue to pray for Jacoby to have strength during the hard days! Much love and hugs to you!

  2. We are praying hard for these sensations to go away! It saddens our heart that jacoby has to go through this pain. Here is a verse from our favorite Christian singer, Matthew West singing Miracle ..."Lord, I've heard your hand can calm the raging sea, Lord please calm the sea in me, that's how it feels when your waiting on a miracle!". Jacoby, Stay strong and focused on how wonderful you are. We also just found out your package from Matthew West is on its way to you. We had it sent to Roach Gymnastics so they could give it to you. Hope you and your family find laughter and joy in your day!

  3. http://blog.amsvans.com/gymnasts-miracle-recovery-from-spinal-cord-injury/

    1. Amazing and inspiring story. Thanks for sharing. God is Great! Keep praying.

  4. Will be praying! Stay strong, Jacoby!
