Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Ready for rehab...

Go to Jacoby's website:
Jacoby had a very postitive and restful day including a visit from her teammate Rachel who is home from college.  They removed the IV and heavy narcotics.  She moved through this first phase relatively quickly in large part, we believe, because of how healthy and fit she is. The plan is that she will be tranferred to Children's hospital on Wednesday.
Thank you again for all of your support and prayers!
There is ALWAYS hope...
"Gift for Jacoby"
Benefit Auction
Monday, December 17th, 2012
Olympians in attendance
More details to come.
We have received pledges for labor, electrical, cement and wheelchair ramps for the house remodel.
We are still in need of donated building supplies for the house remodel.
Please email: roachgymnastics@hotmail.com if you can help with building supplies.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Dear Jacoby,
    We cannot tell you how much you are missed at gym! You are just the sweetest girl and we think of you all the time.
    We are so thrilled for even small progress. We are fervently praying for your full recovery!
    Sending hugs across the miles. Erica will see you soon, sweetie.
    Love, Erica, Julie & Frank Buell

  3. I am so incredibly glad that Jacoby's recovery is going quickly! My whole family has prayed for you guys and we hope that the rehab isn't to extensive and difficult for her. She is just such and amazing role model for us all and I can't wait to see her condition improve! Roach Misses you Jacoby! With much love,
    Alyssa Armstrong(:

  4. We will be thinking about you and praying for you everyday during this healing time. Stay strong and never give up. You can fight this, we have faith in you Jacoby!

    Love, The Miller's
    (Lexi, Hanna, Bailey, Reis, Tina, and Scott)

  5. Glad to hear everything is moving forward. Indeed, her level of fitness is key for her positive recovery... Have Jacoby and Family a very blessed Thanksgiving...

    lizzie lee

  6. Is Jacoby an Auburn student? I'd be willing to come do a tutor session when she is ready to get back to her studies. Julie Hindman knows how to reach me.
    M. Dutoit, NBCT

  7. OH.,....she doesn't have to be an Auburn student, just wondering about if she was in my district or not! And so glad to see her recovering quickly.

  8. Glad to hear her recovery is going so fast! =) Continue the hard fight Jacoby and you may very well just walk again. You can beat the odds, I have faith in you! Miracles happen everyday!

  9. Jacoby, you're doing so well! We're behind you 100%, all the way. Keep hanging on, every little thing is gonna be all right. You're in my thoughts and prayers all the time, Jack. I'll see you soon.

    Love, Terese

  10. Still praying for a quick full recovery. U are a beautiful strong young lady. May God Bless You, and heal you all the way! Love, Tanya!

  11. Glad to hear your recovery is going well. Rehab is mentally and physically challenging but your years of conditioning and competing in gymnastic and your love for life will guide you through this. Stay strong and let God be your guide! In our thoughts and prayers daily. Your Roach family misses you! Love Vicki and Shannon :)
